The Language of Mixed-Media Sculpture

by Jac Scott

Featured artist in the newly released book on sculpture.

The Language of Mixed-Media Sculpture is both a survey and a celebration of contemporary approaches to sculptures that are formed from more than one material. It profiles the discipline in all its expanded forms and recognizes sculpture in the twenty-first century not as something solid and static, but rather as a fluid interface in material, time and space.

Topics covered:

  • It gives insightful revelations of the creative journeys of ten renowned sculptors
  • Useful technical information on a myriad of processes and materials
  • Twenty-eight international sculptors showcased
  • Inspiring imagery with over 200 color photographs

To find out more about this book or to purchase click here.

Including Andre Woodward, Catherine Bertola, Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva, Liliana Porter, Mary Giehl, Marilene Oliver, Pascale Pollier, Kate MccGwire, Niko Neelova, Michael Shaw, YaYa Chou, Yuebin Gong, Peter Freeman, Paul Moss, Rachel Allen, Eliza Bennett, Awst & Walther, Andrew Burton, Noam Ben-Javov, Ricardo O'Nascimento, Stelious Manganis, Mark Houghton, Janet Curley-Cannon, Cath Keay, Liz West, David Alesworth, Dorcas Casey and Andrea Hasler
The Language of Mixed Media Sculpture